Events Overview Here at Team Oarsome we love a challenge and if you’ve seen us in a raft, then you’ll know they when we take to the waters it really is a challenge. AllCardiffLlandysulLondonMatlockGoooo Oarsomebritish-raft-race-series-matlock-201425/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo OarsomeLlandysul 201620/01/2017Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomebritish-raft-race-series-national-selection-london-201325/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomellandysul-201225/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo OarsomeBritish Raft Race – Paddlefest 201125/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomelondon-201125/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomecardiff-race-series-the-final25/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomebritish-raft-race-series-llandysul-201425/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo OarsomeLlandysul 201025/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomematlock-201325/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magicGoooo Oarsomewales-201125/11/2016Show me the Oarsome magic