With the swan-gate scandal (see paddlefest write up) finally over, Team Oarsome where able to arrive trouble free in their brand new tour bus. They hit the final round of the Cardiff race series (The in-all-but-name Welsh National Raft Race Championships) hard and fast with 4shots back from his 8 week solitary Himilayan training camp in sparkling form, Tim Maljot flying straight in from his teaching post at the Kampalan raft institute and of course ‘the Ollier’ bulking out the team to great effect…………………………………Team Oarsome had come prepared.

The four point margin of victory showed just how close the competition was and how only the most worthy coAnd they needed to be, with the CIWW entering their own team competition was stiff…. But there’s nowhere to hide in raft racing and the head to head races allowed Team Oarsome to utilise their aggression and razor sharp tactical nous. Team Oarsome lulled their enemies into a false sense of security with a cheeky smile and allowing them lane choice, then powered out of the blocks like an assassin’s bullet, ramming their raft, seriously damaging it in the process as Oarsome pinned them to an omni-float. Once their team morale had been sufficently crushed the team broke free to romp for the line – perfect planning and clinical execution. TV reports of enemy fatalities are yet to be confirmed.
The whole series came down to the last enduro and Team Oarsome heroically held their own for two laps before cleverly manipulating and then unleashing the CIWW team to do their dirty work for them, chasing down the Glam boaters on the finishing straight allowing the Team to indulge in the victory lap the public had been longing for all evening.
The four point margin of victory showed just how close the competition was and how only the most worthy could have won.. As victory and glory come so naturally to Oarsome they were unshocked, incredibly sporting, chivalrous, magnanomous and humble in their acceptance of victory, plaudits and kudos. So Team Oarsome were crowned raft kings of Wales! and were given a unique six month ‘freedom of CIWW’ award. All hale OARSOME!